Monday, September 24, 2007

scedule equals party?

Friday classes cut from schedules, and is that promoting drinking on thursday nights? Education Columnist Holly K. Hacker suggests Yes, that with no classes on fridays students are drinking too much on thursday nights after classes. She did her homework stating that with class on fridays students were consuming one drink per night, and with no class on fridays students were consuming on average two and a half drinks per night. This colume also suggests that our professors are not having to work five days a week like a normal full-time working american. Well anytime a student doesn't have class the next day they could potentially drink more. Fridays are also be used well by students and professors. Professors for the most part leave their fridays open for office hours, grading, and preperation for the next week. The more prepared and organized the teacher is the better they can teach the students. Sudents also have these fridays for traveling to see families and friends or jobs to pay for school. Thursday nights is college night everywhere in america so people will go have some drinks. The amount of drinking will not change to any significant extent weather they have class on fridays or not. Students and professors both benifit with this new scheduling. This schedule might just help our problem with people staying in college way too long while giving everyone more time to have the best chance in making goog grades.

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