Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Recess Safe?

Recess has been labeled as an injury ground for young children. Kids are no longer allowed to play traditional games like tag or red rover, and swing sets are being taken off school grounds. Why? Well school nurses are complaining about too many visits to them because of these games! The story says that tag and red rover and swinging are all too rough and we should all just do away with these games on the better behalf of the children. New equipment is being brought in and only monkey bars and plastic slides are allowed. I think this more safe new recess is pretty funny! Kids are rough with each other by nature and when they are in elementary school definitely! If tag is too rough then slides are definitely too rough think of kids pushing each other down a slide. A slide usually starts at least five feet in the air, and there isn't enough teachers to be watching every kid to make sure there isn't any rough house going on. Tag is one of the more safe games I can think of. If we do away with tag then we shouldn't even have recess at all then think how much energy kids will have in the class. Then ask teachers and principals what they think about tag and red rover and other games at recess. I bet the school nurse would love the day when there is no recess. Then what do they get paid for? I think let kids be kids and let them play any game they can think of and if they get hurt they get hurt. Live and Learn! That is what life is about right! Nurses should be glad for minor rough house injuries. That is why they have a job! Play on Tag and Red Rover! Kids have fun!

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