Thursday, November 29, 2007

Discipline in Schools

Texas schools K-12 are allowed to paddle kids for disciplinary actions with written consent from guardians of the kids. This is very fair to the parents decision on how they want their kids disciplined at school and at home. A month ago a parent in west Texas filed a suit to the police on his kid's school principal for assualt. The parent gave consent to the school to go ahead and use paddle fource if needed on his kid for disciplinary actions. Now I have to ask why is this parent mad at this pricipal for paddling his kid? The kid said he was out of dress code and that the paddles were too hard for his actions. The parent also asks why is his kid getting punished for dress code when other kids are violating dress code clearly in pictures. The principal wasn't able to defend himself to these charges, but I am going to attempt to. The parents also said they have had meeting before with the principal over the kids behavior and lack of regard to the school rules. The dress code violation doesn't seem like a paddle offense, but when things add up you say to yourself or maybe even the rules say the fifth or sixth violation will require the paddle if your parents signed the form at the begining of the year. Maybe the principal was a mighty big guy and what the kid thought was hard wasnt but a normal paddle from the princpal. Never the less the parents signed the paper that gave consent and their parent shouldn't have any case to defend their own signature. The parent shouldn't of signed the paper and paddled their kid themselves. No charges should be filed according to me. To stop this from happening in the future maybe the suggestion that any kid that is going to get paddled, the guardians should get called before the paddling happens.

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